2024 Series

Eternity and a day- Impermanence

Art encrypts all messages layer by layer, and I can interpret the world I see without reservation, whether it is ugly or beautiful.

Eternity And A Day - Impermanence​

The series of "Eternity and a Day" explores the interrelationship between life truths and the impermanence of interpersonal relationships from philosophical and Buddhist perspectives. The concept of the artwork is inspired by Buddhist teachings on reincarnation, impermanence, Anātman, and dependent origination, aiming to guide the viewers to reflect on their predicaments and perceive life from a broader perspective. It emphasizes that the concept of dependent origination is circular, unlike conventional linear theories of life's origins. This cyclical view of time and life is known as "without beginning in the past and without end in the future."

My practice employs various artificial or architectural materials mixed with pigments, such as plaster, clay, cement concrete, sand, soil, bricks, iron wire, and nails. I reinterpret the concept of "primitive rocks transformed" for inhabitable rock formations, emphasizing the process by which individuals are "endowed" and "socialized" in human society.


I gained inspiration for visual symbols during mu travels in Cappadocia, Turkey, where I borrowed from the mysterious rocks and underground cities to metaphorically represent the different facets of individuals in society and the dark side of human nature. Rocks are intricately carved into maze-like internal networks, windows, churches, and other imagery, symbolizing the transition from "primitive" to gradually “socialized."

Eternity and a day- Impermanence#5

Material : mixed media on canvas
Year : 2024
Size : 70x70cm

Eternity and a day- Impermanence​#4

Material : mixed media on canvas
Year : 2024
Size : 70x70cm

Eternity and a day- Impermanence​#3

Material : mixed media on canvas
Year : 2024
Size : 70x70cm

Eternity and a day- Impermanence​#6

Material : mixed media on canvas
Year : 2024
Size : 70x70cm

Eternity and a day- Impermanence​#2

Material : mixed media on canvas
Year : 2024
Size : 70x70cm

Eternity and a day- Impermanence​#8

Material : mixed media on canvas
Year : 2024
Size : 70x70cm

Eternity and a day- Impermanence​#7

Material : mixed media on canvas
Year : 2024
Size : 70x70cm

Eternity and a day- Impermanence​#1

Material : mixed media on canvas
Year : 2024
Size : 70x70cm

Eternity and a day- Impermanence​#9

Material : mixed media on canvas
Year : 2024
Size : 70x70cm